What we offer

What we offer

We specialise in diagnostic service, repair and supply of Industrial Electronic Equipment throughout New Zealand.

Our key areas of expertise are the repair and service of Variable Speed Drives (VSDs), Computer Controllers (CNC) and related gear.
Sub-categories include Motors and Encoders, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC’s), Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI’s) etc.

Our point of difference lies in the complexities of what we do every day. We work right down to component level to restore function to circuit boards that have been damaged, drowned, burnt, corroded, blown up, whatever. Occasionally, we face challenges, items that may be damaged beyond repair or may not be economical to repair. In these cases we either get creative or search for a replacement.

When a tailored approach is needed, we have experience and expertise to bring about custom designed solutions. Experience informs our approach, we know what works, and what doesn’t.

Our team at Attwood Electronics builds on experience and resources to solve obscure problems in the real world.

Motor Drive Equipment

Motor Drive Equipment is the foundation of our business, we have been involved in this equipment for a long time and as a result have built up a huge amount of experience and understanding with Motor Drives. One thing that makes us strong is our ability to develop special test equipment to improve our effectiveness. One such development allows us to quantify the physical relationship between a servo motor and its’ encoder. Once the motor is serviced / repaired, we’ll recalibrate the pair ready for their extended service life.

Machine Control Systems

We have been repairing equipment long enough to be competent with Controllers from (nearly) every era. Modern Controllers are digital in nature, though that has not always been the case.

CNC Multi Axis Machinery

CNC machines take many forms. The most common example would be a routing or milling machine. X and Y axes cover the work surface, Z provides for the height of a cutter, C axis might be the spindle on the cutting piece. In more complex machines there are more axes and planes, each with its own driving circuitry, and feedback. Vertical axes (like Z) may be equipped with an electric brake that stops the axis dropping under the effects of gravity. All these channels are co-ordinated by a computer or controlling device. The number of individual systems can be high, and the likelihood that one sub-system will fail increases with complexity. Fortunately, the system is run by a computer that can identify a failed axis and report an error to the operator. Our job is to collect and use available information / clues to repair the offending device or circuit. There will be times when the fault appears to be electronic, but may in fact be mechanical.